Level 5, 276 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 (Wednesday and Friday 11am-2pm) - Tel: 612 9283 3737 - email: office@quiltnsw.com

Junior & Youth Block Challenge

The purpose of this challenge is to encourage juniors and youth to become involved in the art of patchwork and quilting. The challenge is free to enter and open to both members and non-members.
A current QuiltNSW member must sponsor non-members. If you need a sponsor, please get in touch with the QuiltNSW office at office@quiltnsw.com, and they will assist you in obtaining one. 
Entrants may enter one quilt block with no side smaller than 25cm or larger than 30cm. There is no limit to the colours, materials, construction methods or designs that may be used. You can use any technique or medium. All quilt blocks must contain a stitched component either by hand, machine, or both. The block may consist of smaller blocks stitched together to create a block that fits within the size restraints. The block is not to include quilting or binding. If the entrant is young, they may have the assistance of an adult to create their entry.
The quilt blocks will be on display at the QuiltNSW Exhibition 2024, and each entrant will receive an exhibitor ribbon and free admission to the exhibition on a single day of their choosing.
There are 2 categories, Junior (up to year 6) and Youth (year 7 to 12). First, second and third prizes will be awarded for both categories. All prize winners will receive a rosette and cash prize.
For all enquiries, email the challenge co-ordinator  junior.coordinator@quiltnsw.com
Please download and read the full conditions of entry.
If you need inspiration, please download this sample quilt block tutorial 

Click on the Button Below to get your entry in!

Here are some additional reference links for you.


How to do hand applique


Teaching Kids to Sew: The Magic In your Quilting Stash