Can you please indicate if you are willing to provide floortalks about your quilts on one or more days of the show. We will be in contact to further discuss your availability if you indicate yes or maybe.
A maximum of 950 characters including spaces and punctuation
Please upload a current photo of yourself that you are happy for QuiltNSW to use for publicity purposes. Publicity maybe in the form of and not limited to print media, social media, electronic communication with QuiltNSW members and the general public.
Maximum of 250 characters
For example it is an unusual shape, it is made up of several pieces,is it best placed on display boards rather than a quilt frame?
This information will be published wherever your quilt or an image of your quilt appears to properly acknowledge the design source. Please provide as much information as possible.
Maximum of 250 characters
For example it is an unusual shape, it is made up of several pieces,is it best placed on display boards rather than a quilt frame?
This information will be published wherever your quilt or an image of your quilt appears to properly acknowledge the design source. Please provide as much information as possible.